Thursday, March 10, 2011

Letter from Elder Martin Onyoni

Dear Brethren,
I give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in my prayers. I remember without ceasing your work of faith and labor of love.
I rejoice to hear of the safe arrival of Elders Tim and David, though Elder David has not fully regained from the effects of the fever he suffered while in Dar. I thank the Lord for the mercy of His healing power. It is my prayer that this healing power may continue to be manifest in Brother David according to the Lord's will.
We Kenyan brethren arrived safely in our homes yesterday, Wed. 9th March Morning at 7:30 Am after a long rough bus ride of over 36 hrs. I'm thankful to the Lord for we were able to make it by his mercy and grace. I know that all of you had been lifting up your prayers for the trip and I appreciate and thank the Lord for you all.
We had a wonderful fellowship in Dar with the church ( in Dar )and fellow brethren from various countries. The meeting really proved to be a blessing to each one of us.
I thank the Lord for your sacrifices and the efforts that each one of you put towards our trip. It is my prayer that the Lord may continue to bless you all and the fruits of your labor. I rejoice to reunite with my family members.
I ask that you keep praying for me and my family, and my ministry.
Your brother and servant in Christ,
Elder Martin Onyoni.

Saturday, March 05, 2011

Elder Vernon Johnson's African Labors Update

By the grace of Almighty God, the gospel labors in Africa continue to expand and grow. Currently, Elder Tim McCool has recently departed from a trip to Ghana where he labored with three fellowships near HO, Ghana. These fellowships are being led by Bro. Aikins Doh. Elder McCool left Ghana and is now in Dar Es Salaam, where he and Elder David Crawford are meeting with men from Dar Es Salaam, the five elders from Kenya along with another exercising brother from Kenya, and two exercising brethren from Zambia. On Sunday, 6 April, at the church in Dar Es Salaam, four men in the church at Dar Es Salaam will be ordained to the office of elder. These four men are Bro. Kenny Mwankenja, Bro. Anthony Joseph, Bro. Moses Joseph, and Bro. Thadeus Numbi. These men have been under the leadership of Elder Martin Onyoni for the last two years and have grown much in the grace of God and the knowledge of the scriptures.
Studies and worship continue in the country of Uganda. Elder Charles Kenjanjui leads three fellowships in that country. He spends a week in Mbale, Uganda every month assisting and studying with the brethren there. There are several men who have expressed a belief that they have been called to preach the gospel of the grace of Christ to God's people there in Uganda.
The efforts in Kenya are expanding rapidly. Several new fellowships have opened up in and near Kisii, Kenya the last few months with several other men in areas outside of Kisii are now expressing an interest in the true gospel of the grace of Christ. There are three additional men who are exercising that Elder Martin has expressed to me that he believes are near being ready to be ordained.
Elder Darrel Chambers will be leaving the last few days in March to meet with Elder Martin Onyoni in Nairobi, then travel to Kisii to assist the brethren in the churches and fellowships there in Kenya. From there Elders Onyoni and Chambers will travel to Kitwe, Zambia and meet up with Elder Mike Ivey and myself to preach to and teach a large number of men in Kitwe and Mumbwa, Zambia. The fellowships in those two cities are led by a Bro. Floyd Mwila and a Bro. Kezala Ngoma.
Later on in the year, I hope to be able to travel to Botswana where there are three men who are currently showing a great interest in the gospel of the grace of Christ and are leading three groups of people. These men are in the area of Serowe and Francistown, Botswana.
In addition, gospel labors in Tanzania are expanding as a new fellowship has opened in Mbeya on the west side of Tanzania. This is the city where Elder Obey came from. Bro. Kenny Mwankenja is leading the efforts there.
Later on in the year, Elder Sam Bryant is planning on going to Kenya and Tanzania to assist the brethren in those two countries.
I request your prayers on behalf of the gospel labors in these countries in Africa. I also thank all of you who have helped us by prayer and financial support in the past. Truly we are dependent upon our Lord and Savior and the leadership of the Holy Spirit as we go forth with the gospel in those countries.

Elder Vernon Johnson